

About the Concept

Karen Barad present us the particular view of Donna Haraway about location, emphasising that her notion of “situated” does not conflate with the specification of one’s social location along a set of axes referencing one’s identity).

Situated knowledge is not merely about knowing or seeing from somewhere (as in having a perspective) but about taking account of how the specific prosthetic embodiment of the technologically enhanced visualizing apparatus matters to practices of knowing.
And if her use of the “@” sign in Modest_Witness can be understood as a mark of the specificity of location, then we can conclude that location is not equivalent to the local, but neither does the globality of the Net imply universality but rather points to its distributed and layered nature (1997, 121): “The ‘@’ and ‘.’ are the title’s chief signifiers of the Net. An ordinary e-mail address specifies where the addressee is in a highly capitalized, transnationally sustained, machine language-mediated communications network that gives byte to the euphemisms of the ‘global village.’ Dependent upon a densely distributed array of local and regional nodes, e-mail is one of a powerful set of recent technologies that materially produce what is so blithely called ‘global culture.’ E-mail is one of the passage points — both distributed and obligatory — through which identities ebb and flow in the Net of technoscience” (Haraway 1997, 4);


[_Haraway_Donna_J_Modest_Witness_Second_Millennium_1997][1] Routledge; 1 edition (January 17, 1997) ISBN-10: 9780415912457

[1] /library/Donna HARAWAY - J_Modest_Witness_Second_Millennium_1997.pdf

Tree of Significance

distributed, situated
flow, apparatus